A r c h i t e c t u r a l           I l l u s t r a t i o n

Notre-Dame, Paris FR


Piccadilly Condominium, Domicile Developments, Ottawa ON

Centretown Home, Ottawa ON

Guanajuato, Mexico

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Lansdowne Park Redevelopment Proposal, Ottawa

Lansdowne Park Development Study, Ottawa ON

Bayview Yards Development Study, Stadium and Light Rail, Ottawa ON

Byron Avenue Watercolour, Ottawa ON

Lansdowne Park Development Study, Ottawa ON

Bayview Yards Development Study, Stadium and Light Rail, Ottawa ON

Rome Historic Ruins, Rome IT

Bayview Glen Church, Toronto ON

St Peter's and Castel Sant'Angelo along the Tiber River, Rome Italy

Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris France 

Bayview Glen Church, Toronto ON

Lansdowne Park Redevelopment Concept 2003, Ottawa ON

Church, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Church, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

St Peter's Square, Rome Italy

Dows Lake Pavilion, Ottawa ON

Bayview Glen Church, Toronto ON

Guanajuato Mexico

Guanajuato Mexico

Bayview Yards Development Study, Stadium and Light Rail, Ottawa ON

Bayview Yards Stadium and Mix-use Development Proposal, Ottawa ON

Country Home, Osgoode ON

Barrymore's Music Hall, Ottawa ON

Guanajuato Watercolour Sketches, Guanajuato Mexico

Guanajuato Watercolour Sketches, Guanajuato Mexico

San Gimignano, Italy

Paracas, Peru

Paracas, Peru

San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Leon, Mexico

Cotton Mills Development, Cornwall ON

Cottage Water Colour Commission, St Donat QC 

Carleton County Gaol, Historic Ottawa Jailhouse, Ottawa ON 

Loretta B&W Watercolour Perspective, Ottawa

Guanajuato Watercolour Sketches, Guanajuato Mexico